Recovery Action For Investors of Fiat Chrysler Shares


Investors of Fiat Chrysler Shares Suffered Losses Due to Fiat Chrysler's illegal Behaviour
For many years, Fiat Chrysler has hidden its illegal behaviour: installing illegal software in their vehicles which was designed to cheat emission tests by regulators. The fact that Fiat Chrysler hid this, did not only harm the owners of Fiat Chrysler vehicles but also investors of Fiat Chrysler shares.

After each publication regarding its involvement, the price of Fiat Chrysler shares fell sharply. Because Fiat Chrysler did not disclose this information earlier, it caused loss to these investors. They are entitled to be compensated by the legal successor of Fiat Chrysler, Stellantis.

Investors who bought and/or held shares in Fiat Chrysler on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) stock exchange in Milan (Italy) during the period 13 October 2014 to 23 May 2017 may have suffered a loss as a result of these disclosure failures and are potentially eligible to join the claim.

Who can join?

The class action is open to all investors that:
  • bought and/or held Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. common shares;
  • on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) stock exchange in Milan (Italy); and
  • between 13 October 2014 to 23 May 2017.

How do I join?

Click on the button below to register your interest in and support for FCIRS’ action and receive more information about the class action. You will receive details of the claim and how to participate.

Join the action
Ticker FCAU
ISIN NL0010877643
Relevant Period 13 October 2014 to 23 May 2017

No cure, no pay

Investors who have suffered loss can join the class action at no cost. FCIRS has obtained funding from an external funder.

In exchange for financing FCIRS’s action, this external funder will be entitled to a fee if the litigation results in a successful financial outcome for investors.
Fiat Chrysler Investors Recovery Stichting (“FCIRS”) is a Netherlands-based non-profit class action foundation. FCIRS is preparing legal action to safeguard the interests of retail and institutional investors in Fiat Chrysler who have been harmed by its actions relating to the Dieselgate scandal.

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