Recovery Action For Investors of Fiat Chrysler Shares

Who Can Join

Fiat Chrysler Investors Recovery Stichting

Conditions for participation

Institutional investors and retail investors are eligible if:
  • they purchased and/or held ordinary shares in Fiat Chrysler through the the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) stock exchange in Milan (Italy);  
  • during the period 13 October 2014 to 23 May 2017; and
  • provide sufficient proof of their shareholdings.

Investors who sign up to be represented by FCIRS accept the following conditions:
  • all information submitted to FCIRS will be held confidentially in accordance with the Privacy and cookie statement;
  • there will be no upfront financial commitment on their part;
  • investors are free to terminate their participation at no cost by notifying FCIRS.

Note: At this point in time, the amount of damages which affected investors are entitled to is uncertain. It is also possible that the relevant period during which shares were purchased may change in the future.

No Cure - No Pay

Affected investors can join at no upfront cost. This claim is funded by an external financier associated with Fortress Investment Group LLC ("Fortress"). This is a reputable litigation financier at home and abroad. This party has indicated that it will assume the costs of the proceedings.

In exchange for financing FCIRS’s legal action, Fortress will be entitled to a success fee of maximum 25% of the total proceeds, if the litigation is successful.

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